
Showing posts from August, 2017

Tectonic Boundaries surrounding Greece, WK 2

As you can see in the image above, Greece is located within several plate boundaries. These boundaries include the Eurasian Plate North of the country while the African Plate is located in the southern coasts of Greece. In addition, The Aegean Sea Plate is a smaller tectonic plate located in between the Eurasian, Anatolia, and African plates. This sea plate is constantly moving in a north western direction into the Eurasian Plate which triggers seismic activity in the northern areas of the country as well as volcanic hazards in the South. In addition, another phenomenon that occurs in the area due to the surrounding tectonic boundaries is known as the Hellenic Volcanic Arc located just South of the country as shown in the image below. This volcanic activity underwater has allowed land shifts to produce islands. One being, the island of Santorini, which to this day is incredibly active with volcanic hazardous activity. References:      http://geographyofg...

What's the difference between a catastrophe, a natural disaster, and a hazard?

A natural disaster is an occurrence that disrupts the natural flow of nature within a certain area caused by the natural forces of our planet, for example, an earthquake is a natural disaster that can inflict great dange. In addition, a natural hazard is also very dangerous. However, it is a threat caused by a natural event. These events can either be meteorological, biological, geological, hydro logical, or seismic. An example of a natural hazard can be when an earthquake destroys a radiation plant causing deadly radiation to spread across the area affected. Last but not least. a catastrophe has a similar meaning and effect as a disaster but a catastrophe brings in greater tragedy and ruin compared to the sudden losses of disasters. Therefore, the word catastrophe is used when an event with incredible severity occurs. In the end, these occurrences are very similar to one another and we can all agree that all three of these terms have a negative vibe and denotation.